Little Lemon Productions

Our Mission

Beginning in 2018 Little Lemon Productions (LLP), started by Adaryn Healy and Brody Buck, worked to create safe creative space for students by students. Our first project showed our student community that we have the ability and power to create meaningful, fun, and beautiful art together. LLP allows students from all schooling and performing backgrounds the opportunity to learn and grow together. By creating this space, we are able to ensure all students have an opportunity to shine in many different ways such as; Directing, Stage Management, Light and Sound work, Set Design, Music Direction, Pit Orchestra Direction and Membership, and many many more. Adaryn and Brody began this company with the hope that students from all the surrounding areas could have access to theater that is inclusive and empowering.  As time has gone on LLP has continued to expand its team as well as its student outreach, it regularly has student participants from 3 different school districts, and 7 different high schools. LLP also ensures that theater is an accessible space for every family’s economic situation. LLP is able to offer scholarships and performances for free due to incredible support from our community in the form of GoFundMes and donations at the door.