Alice By Heart
Alice By Heart Directed by Adaryn Healy, Music Directed by Audrey Fry, Costumed by Hazel VanBuskirk, Set Design by Erin Bidorini. The perfect way to finish off Little Lemons amazing Summer 2024 Season!
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Directed by Adaryn Healy, Music Directed by Audrey Fry, Stage Managed by Comet Jimmy, Costumed by Hazel VanBuskirk, Set Design by Keefe and Adaryn Healy, and Lighting Design by Adaryn Healy. Sweeney Todd was Little Lemons best reviewed production to date. Sweeney Todd pushed the bar for Little Lemon and will not soon be forgotten.
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Mean Girls: The Musical High School Edition
'Mean Girls: The Musical High School Version' Directed by Adaryn Healy and Aidan Williams, Music Directed by Audrey Fry, Stage Managed by Comet Jimmy, Costumed by Hazel VanBuskirk, and Lighting Design by Leo Fish. Was a continuation of the January Intensive Program. This show was one for the books as we sucessfully sold out every show during a snow storm!
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Radio Interview with Adaryn Healy and Aidan Williams:
Chicago: Teen Edition
'Chicago: Teen Edition' was the first Repertory Production. Directed and choreographed by Adaryn Healy, Music Directed by Audrey Fry and Sarah Edmonds, Costumed by Hazel VanBuskirk, Stage Managed by Comet Jimmy, Lighting designed by Leo Fish.
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'Heathers the Musical' was the first of hopefully many January intensives. This production was rehearsed and produced all within the month of January. Directed and produced by Adaryn Healy, Music Directed by Ben Ritchey and Max Suwarno, and Stage Managed by Comet Jimmy.
Check out the article:
Radio Interview with Director Adaryn Healy
After the success of our first show Adaryn Healy and Brody Buck had extensively planned 'Grease' to be their next production. Unfortunately, in 2020 Little Lemon was forced to hold out until 2022 when Adaryn Healy continued
plans for the production with Assistant Director Avery Hocker.
Check out the article:
Our First Production: 13!
Little Lemon Productions began with our first project ‘13! The Musical' 13's success was heard all over town as we were featured on the cover of Cascadia Weekly. 13 Opened the door to a bright future for LLP as plans to continue the company were made immediately
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